Seniors and Snack Recipes, VA Hurst

A cutting board with a sliced apple on top.
Photo by Skylar Kang from Pexels

Seniors need to make sure that they are taking care of their health in the best way that they can. As you get older, the food that you eat becomes more important. Visiting Angels Hurst brings up three healthy snacks that you can try making at home. The following is an example of one healthy snack recipe. 

Baked Apple Chips Sprinkled with Cinnamon 

For this recipe, you will need red apples, lemon juice, and cinnamon. To begin, you should preheat your oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. While your oven is getting ready, you can slice your apples. Try to cut thin apple slices. If you need a comparison, you can think of the thinness of a potato chip. Once you are finished cutting your apple slices, you can cover the slices in cinnamon and lemon juice. Lastly, when the oven is at the right temperature, and your apple slices are ready, you just need to bake your apple slices for 2 hours. 

For more recipes, you may visit three easy snack recipes for seniors